Three Things I Know -Jeff Bezos

by July 23, 2009

As part of's acquisition of today, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos recorded a message to Zappos outlining "everything he knows":

  1. Obsess over customers: when given the choice between obsessing over competitors or customers, always obsess over customers. Start with customers and work backward.
  2. Invent: you can invent your way out of any box if you believe you can. Invent on behalf of your customers -it's not a customer's job to invent on to themselves. Listen to customers but know they can't tell you everything.
  3. Think long term: any company that wants to focus on customers has to be willing to think long term. Many initiatives may take 5-7 years to pan out for a company. Thinking long term allows you to be misunderstood. Most inventions take a while to be appreciated.