As 2010 comes to a close, it's time for an annual round-up: ten of 2010's favorite articles. For even further nostalgia, check out my nine favorites from 2009, eight favorites from 2008, seven favorites from 2007, six favorites from 2006, five from 2005, and four favorites from 2004.
Touch Gesture Reference Guide
The Touch Gesture Reference Guide is a unique set of resources for software designers and developers working on touch-based user interfaces.
Mobile First: Slides, Video, & Audio
In my Mobile First! presentation I make the case for designing Web applications for mobile platforms before the desktop in order to take advantage of explosive growth, useful constraints, and innovative capabilities. I also outline tips for designing with: multiple screen sizes and densities, touch gestures, location awareness, orientation changes, tight audio/video integration, and more.
Web Form Innovations on Mobile Devices
Constraints breed innovation and mobile Web forms are no different. The limitations of mobile devices have forced developers and designers to find new ways to make providing input faster and easier. Several of these innovations are now making their way back to the desktop and beyond.
Touch-based App Design for Toddlers
Having observed my eighteen month old son's interactions with touch based devices for several months now, I've noticed several recurring app design problems. In case anyone is working on a touch-based app for kids, here's some design considerations to mull over.
Are iPad's Limitations Design Decisions?
Apple's iPad is an early (but big) step toward the future of personal computing. But you can't move into the future if you are weighed down by the past. So it's quite possible that several of the technical limitations in the current iPad are actually deliberate design decisions made by Apple to ensure the future of personal computing arrives without the issues of today.
Killing Sign Up Forms
In my recent Sign Up Forms Must Die presentation, I outlined a few solutions for getting people engaged with digital services without asking them to fill in a bunch of input fields up front. In case you are interested in trying one of these alternatives to sign-up forms, here are some resources to get you started.
Social Engagement Checklist
These questions attempt to answer the most vexing social design question: "why would people participate in a new service/product?"
10 Things I Learned In Web School
Last year Matthew Frederick, author of the excellent book 101 Things I Learned in Architecture School, asked me to contribute some things I've learned about the Web for a new book in his series.
Designing with Keynote
Recently, an increasing number of designers (myself included) are turning to Apple's presentation making software, Keynote, to design and prototype software applications. Here's a few reasons why and some tips learned along the way.
Information Resolution on the Windows 7 Phone
In his iPhone Resolution video, information design expert Edward Tufte, praised the information density and content resolution of the device. Do differences in information resolution have an impact on the overall user experience of using the Windows Phone 7 Series?
More retrospectives: nine favorites from 2009, eight favorites from 2008, seven favorites from 2007, six favorites from 2006, five favorites from 2005, and four favorites from 2004.