In her keynote on Internet Trends (PDF), Mary Meeker forecast that next generation social networking mobile platforms will drive unprecedented change in communications and commerce. The current growth of mobile social networking seems to support her thesis.
- The second-most popular Web activity for mobile users to engage in on a daily basis is accessing a "social networking site or blog." Last January saw 1.8-million do this, with a monumental, 427-percent increase to 9.3-million people in January 2009. (source)
- Four of the top ten domains accessed via mobile devices are social networking sites. (source)
- In September 2009, there was a one-year increase of 179% in subscribers accessing social networking sites from their mobile devices while those same sites only saw a 10% increase on the PC versions of the sites. (source)
- Mixi’s (Japan’s leading social network) mobile monthly page views are three times desktop page views. (source)
- Irish mobile-phone users spend on average 45 minutes a day accessing social-networking sites via their mobiles (source)
- People that use Facebook on their mobile devices are almost 50% more active on Facebook than non-mobile users. (source)
- 25% of Internet users with mobile or wireless access, use Twitter or another micro-blogging service. (source)
- Almost 40 percent of Internet users with four or more Internet-connected devices use Twitter. The fewer the gadgets, the less a user is likely to connect via a microblog or status updating service. (source)