Some information on how people share content online. Traditionally email has been dominant but social networking tools are gaining traction.
- Web service ShareThis reports sharing activity from Jan 2009: Email 57%, Facebook 21.2%, Other 13% (source)
- According to Web service, AddToAny, Facebook has 24 percent of shares using their widget, Email has 11.1 percent and Twitter has 10.8 percent (source)
- If you combine all of Yahoo’s properties – Delicious, Yahoo Bookmarks, Yahoo Buzz, and Yahoo Messenger – it accounts for 14.4 percent of sharing on AddToAny (source)
- In April 2009, comScore Extended Web reported that the Add This widget now reaches over half a billion people. (source)
- Tweetmeme served 1.6 billion retweet buttons, and is seeing an average growth of 20% week-on-week of retweet button adoption. (source)
- Tweetmeme's best guesstimate for how many retweets these buttons produce is 200,000 a day, or 6 million a month. That translates into a 0.375 percent click-through rate. (source)
- According to stats published by eMarketer, 41 percent of online retailers include a "share by email" option in their direct emails, while just 6 percent include features for sharing on social networks (7 percent include both) (source)