Since I failed to celebrate the 100th, 250th, and 500th article on Functioning Form. Last week's Sign Up Forms Must Die post was a fitting milestone: six hundred and sixty six articles since I started this site in late 2003.
That's a lot of writing and, consequently, a lot of reading. So I wanted to take this moment to thank all the Functioning Form readers over the years for providing great feedback, ideas, and encouragement. According to my Web analytics package, you're now over 8,500 strong. Thanks for being here. And of course, big thanks to all the sources of my ideas for Functioning Form articles over the years: co-workers, conference presenters, fellow designers, bloggers, and more. If you're interested in what's been discussed in the past 666 articles, check out the archive.
Feed URL Update
As of this post, I'm going to begin retiring my old feed URL and try to transition everyone to the new Feedburner RSS feed. So if you are subscribed to (and you only would be if you've been a reader for over two and a half years):
Feel free to jump on the new feed at: Thanks!