Michele Floriani's Top 10 Lessons for Introducing Visual Thinking to Your Organization presentation at VizThink 2008 outlined lessons learned on implementing and managing a visual thinking service in an organization. Including: sizing up the opportunity within your company, positioning your service, and managing the service.
Download the full presentation (3.39 MB) for details on each of the following lessons:
- Lesson 1: Determining the core capabilities you will need to get started
- Lesson 2: Identifying the benefactors of your service
- Lesson 3: Where you’ll find success (and some areas you might not have considered)
- Lesson 4: Your new best friends: the internal partners that increase the value of your work
- Lesson 5: Using your powers for good (vs. evil) Lesson 6: Creating demand
- Lesson 7: Focusing on the strategic value; don't become a PPT jockey
- Lesson 8: Establishing a good track record and working out the kinks
- Lesson 9: Creativity vs. Standardization
- Lesson 10: Ensuring repeatability and scalability