On Wednesday, April 11, 2007 at noon, I'm sitting down with ZURB Chief Instigator and Lucky Oliver Founder, Bryan Zmijewski at Yahoo! Inc. in Sunnyvale, CA to tackle So you Wanna be a Design Strategist? live:
"As a design strategist, you have to sell yourself and your skills every time you walk into a room. Is that good? If you have the skills to drive ideas, it allows you to set the rules and process. But if being the person who pushes ideas forward just isn't your thing, you might find yourself becoming a disgruntled designer instead of respected peer of business and technology decision makers.
In this open conversation, Yahoo! Senior Principal Designer, Luke Wroblewski, will talk with ZURB and Lucky Oliver founder, Bryan Zmijewski, about his 11 step formula for design strategy success. Explore why reading people, building in metrics, balancing preparation with implementation, justifying design decisions with the right research, knowing how to fail, not over researching, fighting when you have to, and more can help set you up for strategic design success."
Hope to see some of you there!