This week A List Apart published a new article with the results of recent testing I worked on with Etre looking at the performance of dynamic inline "accordion" forms. Here's what we learned.
Testing Accordion Forms
Accordion forms use dynamic interactions on a single web page to hide and reveal sections of related questions as people go through the process of completing a form. This allows people to focus their attention on one set of questions at a time without requiring them to navigate between different web pages.
Accordion forms have the potential to be really effective because, in general, hiding irrelevant form controls from people until they need them results in forms that are easy on the eyes (i.e., less distracting) and they can be completed quickly. Couple that with the time saved on page reloads and getting people orientated on new pages, and accordion forms begin to look like an interesting solution for helping people complete lengthy forms on a single page.
So are they? Check out the article for the answers...