Last year I wrote about a promising approach to multi-device Web design that enhanced responsive web design techniques with server-side solutions. Since then the idea, which I dubbed RESS (Responsive Web Design with Server Side Components), has been gaining popularity and a number of developers have written about how they're using it. Hopefully these resources are useful to anyone interested in learning more about RESS.
RESS Overview
My overview of RESS featuring several examples that illustrate how the technique can be used to optimize device-specific experiences on the Web.
Getting Started with RESS Tutorial
This tutorial will teach you the basics of RESS and how you can build a responsive page that works well on small screens with the help of server side technologies.
RESS: An Evolution of Responsive Web Design
How both front-end and server-side developers can take advantage of the new technique called RESS that aims to be combine the best of both worlds for delivering mobile-optimized content.
Full article on RESS, Server-Side Feature-Detection and the Evolution of Responsive Web Design.
Templating with Detector & Mustache for RESS
This extremely simple demo is meant to show how Detector & Mustache can be combined to create a Responsive Web Design + Server Side Component (RESS) System.
Which One: Responsive Design, Device Experiences, or RESS?
A concise overview of three different multi-device Web design techniques (including RESS) and explanation of the benefits of each.
A Case for RESS
A concise example of the benefits of RESS on the new Notre Dame Web site.
The Innovation Behind Notre Dame's Homepage
A behind the scenes look at the Notre Dame University redesign which uses RESS to deploy content that is appropriate to each device.
A Responsive Experience Begins on the Server...
Server-side detection alone will not give you the full picture, and only doing adaptation client-side robs you of the opportunity to perform really useful server-side optimizations. The best approach is a blend of the two using RESS.
If you've experimented with RESS and shared what you've learned, let me know.